22 to 27 September 2024, Montego Bay, St James, Jamaica, West Indies
World Congress 2023 is not just an opportunity to network with colleagues, you will also have a chance to meet new potential partners, and discover new products and services offered to the broader post-secondary community. This wouldn’t be possible without the participation of our many exhibitors and sponsors.
In between sessions you will have a chance to visit with our sponsors and exhibitors in the 2023 Marketplace! This is your chance to make great connections with new industry partners or reconnect with past exhibitors and sponsors.
In between sessions you will have a chance to visit with our sponsors and exhibitors in the 2023 Marketplace! This is your chance to make great connections with new industry partners or reconnect with past exhibitors and sponsors.
In between sessions you will have a chance to visit with our sponsors and exhibitors in the 2023 Marketplace! This is your chance to make great connections with new industry partners or reconnect with past exhibitors and sponsors.