Office of Curriculum

Roles and Functions
The CCCJ Curriculum Development Department plans, directs and administers the development, review and revision of curricula on behalf of the CCCJ and the Community Colleges Network to meet the needs of the communities served by the group and enhance the quality of the teaching and learning experiences in the group. In so doing, this unit contributes to the Council meeting its regulatory mandate.
One of the core functions of the Curriculum Department is to provide leadership and advice in several curriculum-related policy areas. The department focuses on quality assurance by ensuring the output of quality curricula by ensuring both local and international standards are achieved. This takes place through reviewing all requirements for course outlines for degree credit courses including a suggested format and content for the course outline to meet set standards.
The Officers of this department recommends good practices for writing each of the sections of the course outline of record and also provide professional development opportunities for lecturers. The focus of the recommendations is to provide course outlines which are thorough and comprehensive of the Curriculum Standards Manual as well as providing complete descriptions of actual classroom practices which are sufficient for articulation.
Our view is that all students have a right to a broad, balanced and relevant education which provides continuity and progression and takes individual differences into account.
With this in mind we aim that all learners/students should:
- learn: to be adaptable; how to solve problems in a variety of situations; how to work independently and as members of a team
· develop the ability to make reasoned judgements and choices, based on interpretation and evaluation of relevant information from a variety of sources
· have an opportunity to solve problems using technological skills
· begin acquiring a set of moral values, such as honesty, sincerity, personal responsibility, on which to base their own behaviour
· be capable of communicating their knowledge and feelings through various art forms including art/craft, music, drama and be acquiring appropriate techniques which will enable them to develop their inventiveness and creativity
· know how to apply the basic principles of health, hygiene and safety
· develop an enquiring mind and scientific approach to problems
The roles and functions of the department are as follows:
1. curriculum planning, assessing and reporting
2. coordination and facilitation of the development of curricula for local and regional colleges
3. management of the production of text-based instructional materials and other learner support systems
4. designs, develops and maintains programme databases and records systems so as to ensure the proper archiving of curriculum products
5. oversees the development and implementation of the CCCJ’s curriculum standards (e.g. for libraries and labs)
6. monitors and ensures compliance to standards among the affiliate colleges
7. manages the review and assessment process in relation to Colleges request to either develop or offer new courses/programmes
8. collaboration with subject experts (lecturers, Board of Studies, members of business and industry) to review existing curricula, thereby ensuring that changes in regulations, best practices etc. are reflected in the CCCJ’s curricula
9. management of the triennial curriculum process
10. organizes and manages professional development retreats, workshops etc. to enhance the delivery of the curriculum
11. oversees/manages accreditation matters on behalf of the CCCJ and ensures compliance with accrediting bodies
12. provides quality assurance activities and training to colleges and faculty locally and regionally
13. representation of the CCCJ’s Secretariat on various boards, committees and organizations in curricula development and other related activities
14. participation in local secondary schools career fairs and CCCJ’s affiliated colleges expositions to promote CCCJ programmes
15. provide advice to colleges on various curricula related matters and queries
16. serves as a resource centre for curriculum and support systems
17. participates in the Council’s negotiations with other institutions in relation to articulation matters and the drafting of MOU’s
18. Assists in negotiation for the acquisition and implementation of online resources for the CCCJ’s affiliated local and overseas colleges
19. develops special curricula for regional associate colleges of the CCCJ
20. provides assistance to the Examination Unit of the CCCJ in vetting test items and ensuring congruency with course objectives
21. Repurpose programmes for distance and online education.
Services offered by the Office of Curriculum Instruction and Innovation:
1. Curriculum Development
2. Curriculum Review
3. Quality Assurance
4. Curriculum/Education Presentation
5. Course Review
6. Hosting/Organizing Curriculum/Educational Related Workshops
7. Equivalency/Assessment/Exemption Evaluation