WFCP Congress 2024

22 to 27 September 2024, Montego Bay, St James, Jamaica, West Indies


The 2023 World Congress will offer a varied program, including workshops and presentations, as well as opportunities to network and engage with participants. With concurrent activities and a variety of streams, there should be something for everyone.


Get ready for an exhilarating day filled with knowledge, inspiration, and networking at our meticulously crafted event schedule.

Affinity Group

Affinity Groups are an essential element of the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCP). The groups bring together attendees to share and learn about topics which are especially relevant to professional, technical and vocational education and training.

Pre-congress Activities

As part of the congress program there are several pre-congress activities that will appeal to different groups of attendees. These activities provide an opportunity to further engage with colleagues with similar backgrounds or interests.